The HoneyWord Bible
"The HoneyWord Bible: Making God's Word Stick," by the Holy Spirit (with HoneyWord features by Dr. Emmett Cooper).
- Hardcover
- Full Bible: 1,428 pages
- Tons of HoneyWord goodness beautifully displayed alongside the Word. Does it get any sweeter?
- Over 70,000 in print worldwide
What folks are saying about honeyword
"He now wants to read the Bible every day!"

"[My son] reads it on his own. He put markers in favorite passages so he can go back and read them!"
"My boys love this Bible! I bought one for my nine year old and he reads it on his own. He has put markers in favorite passages so he can go back and read them. My six year old liked it so much he asked for one, too. So I ordered one for him and he is also reading it on his own. Great Bible for kids."

"I am such a huge fan! Dr. Cooper got it right."
"After reading 'Moonwalking with Einstein,' I wanted to find a way to translate its lessons of memory retention to the Bible. I remembered the cool way HoneyWord uses symbols to help kids retain its stories. I am such a huge fan! Emmett Cooper got it right and has compiled stories to go alongside the Bible's stories that will help kids to retain the information. Happy Bible reading to you!"

"We love it, and my little boy has already learned a great deal."
"I had been looking for a Bible for my five year-old that would be engaging and present God's word in a fun way. I also wanted him to learn things in a way that would "stick." This Bible does just that. We love it and my little boy has already learned a great deal. I recommend this Bible for anyone who is looking for a way to teach their children to hide God's Word in their hearts."

"This approach to study really does make the Word of God stick."
"Children win blue ribbons for memorization of scriptures in Sunday School, but do they know what it means? It is much more important for a child to understand who God is and the message He brings to our every day life than memorization of words. The HoneyWord Bible is a must for all parents and children. Caution to parents! You may want to buy a copy for yourself – I guarantee you will refer to it often."

"He loves it he has been walking around the house with it all day."
I am a homeschool mom and research lots of books and materials. This is the best children's bible I have seen. I bought one for my nine year old son. He loves it he has been walking around the house with it all day. The only problem we have had is choosing who gets to read it. He keeps having to ask me for it back. It is a really fun interactive way to learn the word!"

"I bought quite a number to give as gifts for adults!"
"The HoneyWord Bible is given a 'light' touch using the New Living Translation. Humorous caricatures are interspersed to describe the books of the Bible and certain terms or phrases as they appear in a passage. I bought quite a number to give as gifts for adults - two of whom teach Sunday School and young adults. I recommend this edition for those who want a 'readable' Bible."

"I can't say enough good about this Bible. Love it, love it, love it."
"HoneyWord is a fabulous children's Bible. I strongly recommend it to any parent introducing their children to the Bible. It has interactive ways to help the chapters stay in the child's memory. I can't say enough good about this Bible. Love it, love it, love it."

"This approach to study really does make the Word of God stick."
"This approach to study really does make the Word of God stick. I recommend it to all those parents and teachers looking for a better way to learning than the old tired and boring way of memorization."